Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Modifikasi Handphone

Pernah mbayangin sesuatu??

Apa jadinya kalo produsen ponsel kerjasama dengan produsen rokok terkemuka??

Dah tak perlu lama dipikir,, liat aja yang satu ini...

Mantapsss y Gan...


Nokia dimodifikasi dgn sangat kreatifffffff....

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Jepretan Kameramen Amatir di Kebumen

Mata Kamera

1. Snack
Nah lo buat anak2 kota yg tak tau n tak prnh mau tau, makanan apaan y ini???

2. Parkir
Naek motor dilarang ugal2an, parkirpun demikian
Pak Kyai bilang "indahnya kebersamaan" bisa diliat nih Gan... hheheee

3. Bicycle
Dah lama n dh jarang tak liat pemandangan seperti ini
Non-Polusi, Sehat,Hemat

4. Kehidupan
...menyentuh ni...
Apa yang dipikirkan y? palagi nampak murung gt.
(Lelaki tua selalu setia dengan sepeda tuanya)

5. Joke
Kayaknya film James Bond yang paliiiiiiiinnnggg awal, sebelum ada mobil mgkin pake ini y.
100% Bukti nyata

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Temukan mana yang "hamil" beneran

tau gk kl wanita gi hamil liat dr mana nya??
of course jwbnya perut lah...
perut jd kliatan "mlending"... hihihihihiiiii... piiisssss....

nah kl di foto ini da 2 org make bju kuning n merah, kedua2nya perutnya buncit... nah lo...
manakah yg hamil y???

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Our Heart Anthem

...Kali ini serius...

CERMATI liric lagu ini

By : Monkey to millionaire

Title : Rules and policy

sorry we can't do this

so sorry we can't do that

who make these rules and these policies?

are they so good, are they so great?

thank you, thank you for making these life feel so grounded

we do such thing, but they tell us not to

we can do something, but they said is nothing

oh well, what would we do?

Go to school, go to college

and get yourself a real job

these are the rules you have to live

and you have to deal with

maybe you're smart

but it doesn't mean a thing

coz what they want is your degree

blow them with your money

and there goes their policy

we do such thing, but they tell us not to

we can do something, but they tell us not to

we can do something, but they said is nothing

oh well, what would we do?

we can do something, but they said is nothing

oh well, what would we do?

we do such thing, but they tell us not to

we can do something, but they tell us not to

we can do something, but they said is nothing

oh well, what would we do?

what goes around, shall comes around

g0 t0 Hell

tHe DarKnEsS

look this photo...

kok y ada2 aja jalan sempit, lembab, gelap, n serem gt...

kira2 jalan mau kemana y itu??? Coba ae lewat sendiri...

pesen saya cuma satu “hati2, n pelan2” , cz jalannya “tak terduga”

Lokasi : sebelah obonk steak (depan solocom Surakarta) persis ada gang masuk,, lurus aja deh...

ayo buruannn coba lewat situuu... heheheeee